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Naomi Elie

Water Kefir Grains

What is water kefir? What are water kefir grains?

Water kefir is a fermented drink, full of enzymes and bacteria that are good for our digestive system. It is delicately sparkling, refreshing and a nutritious beverage.

Water Kefir grains are not made of grains such as wheat. They are a cluster of bacteria and yeast living in a symbiotic relationship and held together by a polysaccharide. This is what makes it look like grains of jelly. The bacteria and yeast use the sugar and produce CO2 (the reason why it is bubbly) and lactic acid. Which makes this drink a lacto-fermentation.

Where to get them?

You can easily acquire them on the internet. Here are some of the places you can buy them.

If you are in the UK, click here.

If you are in France, click here or here if you want to buy from

If you are in Belgium, click here or here for or here from

If you are in Montreal, Canada, click here

The history of kefir:

No one is sure about the exact origins but here are some juicy theories. Some say they came from Mexico where they supposedly appeared as crystals on the paddles of a cactus plant. Others say they came from Egypt and it was Cleopatras choice of drink. Others say it was discovered when a Tibetan monk gave it to Mother Theresa and she brought it back to England. Some say it’s only 2000 years old and others say it’s more than that and the drink is known as the elixir of health. A secret passed down from Persian royalty from generation to generation. It was such a well-kept secret that when the Russians discovered it and the benefits of it, they went on a spy mission to unravel the mystery. Finally, they were imported into Russia at the beginning of the 20th century and it spread quickly to the rest of the world.

The recipe to make water kefir:

This recipe is for a 1L glass bottle:

1/2 cup of water kefir grains

1/2 cup of cane sugar

filtered water to fill to the top of the glass bottle or jar

(Always put equal amounts of cane sugar and kefir grains. So if you have 1/2 cup of kefir grains then put 1/2 cup of cane sugar)

In a glass bottle (preferably a wide top) add the 1/2 cup of cane sugar and the warm water. Swirl the bottle gently until all the cane sugar has dissolved. Add water to 2/3 of the bottle. Use your clean finger to check if the mixture is at room temperature (you don't want the mixture to be hot or warm because this could harm the kefir grains and even kill them). If it is at the right temperature add the kefir grains to the mix of dissolved cane sugar and filtered water. You can top it off with water if there isn't enough.

Now wait for a week, you can put on your countertop, it doesn't need to be in dark place. It should be ready after a week. Strain (with a plastic sieve) the water kefir grains and put the water kefir in a glass bottle to store in the fridge. Repeat the recipe to get more water kefir every week. If you know you'll be going away, or are too busy to take care of the water kefir. Simply transfer the water kefir grains into a glass jar, put an equal amount of sugar and top off with water and leave it in the fridge for them to go to sleep. Once you want to start making it again, it all you have to do is wake the water kefir grains by following the recipe above.

However, I invite you to taste it after 3 days. Always use a clean spoon and never double dip as the bacteria in your mouth might inhibit the kefir grains to do their job. Don't fret if it isn't ready after a week, sometimes if the kefir grain has been in the fridge (it sleeps) it takes a little time to wake up and start feeding on the sugar. Temperature also plays a big role, I have noticed that it takes longer in winter then it does in summer.

You can also make a second fermentation if you wish to add flavour to your kefir or simply try something new.


Rebel with Jars




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